Thursday, January 27, 2011

~ My testimony~ by Corinne V.

Corinne has served as a Team Servant for two years. The Team Servant program at Highland Lakes Camp is a life-changing missions experience for Christian high school students willing to commit two weeks of their summer vacation to grow in their walk with Christ. Members of the Team Servant program are encouraged to follow the example of our Savior, who came to serve and minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of others.  Here is her testimony:

My parents always told me there would be a day when I would have to choose for myself, to follow Christ or not.. about ten years ago I was at a Vacation Bible School, and they were talking about Jesus and how He died on the cross for us to take away our sins and about being saved. The teacher asked the class if there was anyone ready to accept Christ to raise their hand, I thought I was ready so I raised my hand. They took me into a separate room and prayed with me, they asked if I wanted to be baptized and I said yes, so they took me to my mom and had me tell the exciting news. I told her I was ready to be baptized and she said I had to wait a bit. 

So about four years later I was asked if I wanted to be baptized of course I said yes! The pastor at the time came to my house and asked me a TON of questions and said I knew enough and he felt that I understood well enough to be baptized. I got baptized on Christmas Eve, I may have known the right answers to the questions the pastor asked, but one thing was missing.....I didn't have a personal relationship with Christ, nothing changed. 

I would pray and read the Bible occasionally, talk and hangout with the wrong people, yell at everyone, and start bad fights with my parents. I didn't want to cause trouble and I wanted to pray and read the Bible more but in my mind I would always say, I don't have time, and I don't know why I do what I do it just happens and there is nothing I can do about it. 

A couple years passed and I completely quit reading the Bible, I didn't pray at all, I was doing bad things, and hiding things from my parents. I have been questioning my faith for quite some time...I was confused because I LOVE sharing Christ with people, yet I wasn't living what I was speaking...all I was doing was sharing my knowledge of what I knew, I wasn't showing them what a relationship looked like. 

About a month ago I was talking to Jesse Hendon, and he helped me understand that what I was missing was a relationship with Christ. Since then I have felt a change in heart and soul, there was a peace I haven't felt before. I changed my ways and am continuing to change, I don't get into all the trouble or fight with my parents as much. I have started reading the Bible and look forward to learning more and I enjoy my prayer time more. 

I only hope to become closer and closer with God, and in every step I take I want to show others not only the love God has for us but how having a relationship with Jesus can change their lives. No more second guessing on my relationship with Him. I love the Lord with all my heart soul and mind and NOTHING will EVER change that!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Letter from Ashley

Here is another, heartfelt letter from one of our staff members, Ashley Beggs.  She has been serving in Kenya and has a passion to serve in Kenya. Please be praying for Ashley as you read her words.

Dear Friends:

as of today i have 2 full days left in Kenya. I am having mixed emotions. part of me is excited to go home to see my sister and mom and family, but i feel my heart will be left here. i hope this isn't some kind of "camp high." i really have no words to explain it. i really can see myself here next week and the next, etc. i haven't really thought much about home and returning. i have been able to stay in contact with kelsey and my mom on the phone, when i remember the time difference.

at the moment my mind and heart are torn.

i wish i could type more but there are lots of rambunctious and obnoxious youth who just entered the coffee shop and i can't concentrate. please keep the brackenhurst staff in your prayers while these teens are here. i've already watched grace clean up one huge mess for them to create another. (i think this is why foreigners hate Americans)

God Bless. and see you soon.


Friday, January 21, 2011

"I have only a week left here in Kenya."

this has been quite a day. i'm starting to emotionally realize that i have only a week left here in kenya. everything is kinda slamming into me. josh fell asleep in my lap, that won't happen again, just seeing things and tryin to take them in. it's so difficult. we are also helping with a burial service for one of kiki's clients. her sister is also positive and just being around that has been an emotional drain. please pray that i can focus and be optimistic about the 7 days i have remaining and not think about leaving, but the good i can do while i am still here. this is a tough trip. lots of growing as a person and missionary. 


God Bless.


Letter from Kenya

Dear Friends:

well today i started teaching CRE, Christian Religious Education, to 4th grade students. it is very different.
i have braids now as well, check my wall for photo. i am also a bit sunburned. i was sick yesterday. but am feeling much better today. don't know why i haven't been feeling well. hopefully after this week, i can go with kiki to visit clients, or people with hiv/aids.

yesterday, he (kiki) visited a couple who are both positive. they make necklaces out of beads of paper. they take paper and roll it into beads for necklaces. the couple has 8 children and this is their form of income. nick approached me with the necklaces and the need for a marketing strategy. i sold a few to the SIFE students and told them about the need for assistance. they are passing it to the kenya team. please pray for this family.

i have been a bit homesick because i am alone. besann came and encouraged me today as i prepared for class. it was super sweet.

i have been able to take a nap everyday i am at the school which has helped me feel better, too. i don't really know what else to say at the moment. will send something out maybe sunday after i've done more than teach. oh i did teach some students about noah and how he obeyed God by building the ark. i taught them the song "who built the ark? noah! noah! who built the ark? brother noah built the ark!" i remember singing that as a child.

that is all for now.

God Bless.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Letter from Ashley Beggs

One of our staff members, Ashley Beggs, is serving in Kenya for four weeks.  Here is a note from her second week:
January 19 at 12:23am
hey guys!
i'm in week 2 of my trip and it's been amazing. i appreciate your prayers. please continue to keep our ministry in your prayers as well as our SIFE team who i traveling. i am working with kiki this week in visiting hiv/aids patients and we had a very hard visit yesterday in going ot support a family who had lost a member to the disease. the burial is next tuesday.
thanks for remembering me!
God Bless!
 Please continue to keep her in your prayers and stay tuned for more updates from her trip. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Due to Cancellation we have 37 hotel rooms available Feb 18-19! Call to Reserve for your group Now!!!!!
Call Jackie or Dana to book your retreat. 888-222-3482 or 512-264-1777